National Police and Hong Kong Police Collaborate on Fugitive Deportation

InternationalDivhubinter Polri and Hong Kong Police signed an MoU regarding the deportation of fugitives for transnational crimes.

It is hoped that the Police to Police Agreement will facilitate the repatriation of fugitives who have fled to and from Indonesia and Hong Kong. Meanwhile, the mechanism for mutual legal assistance (MLA) and extradition can be used as a last option,” explained the Head of Inter-Police Hubinter Division, Inspector General Krishna Murti in his statement, Thursday (22/12/2022).

The signing of the MoU was held at the Hong Kong Police Headquarters, Monday (19/12/2022). Present at the meeting were Adjunct Commissioner Chung Wingman, Acting Director of Crime and Security for the Hong Kong Police, and the Indonesian Consul General in Hong Kong, Ricky Suhendar. and the Hong Kong Police in the future.

With this MoU, Krisna hopes that the exchange of information regarding fugitive transnational criminals will become easier. ,” added the former Dirkrimum Polda Metro Jaya.

Krishna further said that this MoU was also an important step for both parties to guarantee the safety and security of the community, nation and state territory. Krishna said, this MoU is also a step in tackling transnational crime and building cooperation on several other important issues, and look forward to the results that can be implemented in the future,” he said.

During the meeting, the National Police also invited the Hong Kong Police to take part in several education and training programs such as the Police Sespimen.

This is because the National Police also specializes in suppressing the number of terrorism crimes.

The National Police also offers UN Certified Development Course training which is the result of collaboration with the United Nations. Related to this, the National Police will also send its personnel to the Hong Kong Police Police School to attend education/training according to the needs of the National Police.

“We are open and welcome the Hong Kong Police who want to take part in this course and training,” added Krishna.














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Polisi Nasional dan Polisi Hong Kong Berkolaborasi dalam Deportasi Buronan

InternasionalDivhubinter Polri dan Kepolisian Hong Kong menandatangani MoU terkait deportasi buronan kejahatan transnasional.

Diharapkan dengan adanya Police to Police Agreement ini dapat memfasilitasi pemulangan para buronan yang melarikan diri dari dan ke Indonesia dan Hong Kong. Sedangkan mekanisme mutual legal assistance (MLA) dan ekstradisi bisa dijadikan opsi terakhir,” jelas Kadiv Hubinter Polri, Irjen Krishna Murti dalam keterangannya, Kamis (22/12/2022).

Penandatanganan MoU tersebut digelar di Mabes Polri Hong Kong, Senin (19/12/2022). Hadir dalam pertemuan itu Ajun Komisaris Chung Wingman, Plt Direktur Kejahatan dan Keamanan Kepolisian Hong Kong, dan Konjen RI di Hong Kong, Ricky Suhendar. dan Polisi Hong Kong di masa depan.

Dengan MoU ini, Krisna berharap pertukaran informasi terkait buronan pelaku kejahatan transnasional menjadi lebih mudah ,” tambah mantan Dirkrimum Polda Metro Jaya itu.

Lebih lanjut Krishna mengatakan MoU ini juga merupakan langkah penting bagi kedua belah pihak untuk menjamin keselamatan dan keamanan masyarakat, bangsa dan wilayah negara. Krishna mengatakan, MoU ini juga merupakan langkah dalam menanggulangi kejahatan transnasional serta membangun kerjasama dalam beberapa isu penting lainnya, dan nantikan hasil yang bisa diimplementasikan di masa mendatang,” ujarnya.

Dalam pertemuan itu, Polri juga mengundang Kepolisian Hong Kong untuk mengikuti beberapa program pendidikan dan pelatihan seperti Sespimmen Polri.

Pasalnya, Polri juga berspesialisasi dalam menekan angka kejahatan terorisme.

Polri juga menawarkan pelatihan UN Certified Development Course yang merupakan hasil kerjasama dengan PBB. Terkait hal tersebut, Polri juga akan mengirimkan personelnya ke Hong Kong Police Police School untuk mengikuti pendidikan/pelatihan sesuai kebutuhan Polri.

“Kami terbuka dan menyambut baik Kepolisian Hong Kong yang ingin mengikuti kursus dan pelatihan ini,” tambah Krishna.

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