Negligence in Supervision PT Inti Indosawit Subur Employs Its Employees Without PPE

Pelalawan – Another work accident occurred at PT Inti Indosawit Subur Asian Agri Group, this time a work injury occurred to an employee of a fertilizer sowing worker, the victim with the initials AHL (40). Tuesday (14/03/2023).

When confirmed by AHL, he explained that the work accident that happened to him started when a truck loaded with fertilizer was about to be brought to the garden area to be sown.

While the condition of the truck when it is running is loaded with fertilizer and when the condition of the truck is uphill suddenly the loaded truck is unable to climb the uphill road,” he explained

So the truck swayed uncontrollably and resulted in those inside the truck bouncing around in an uncertain direction and colliding, which resulted in the incentive treatment on the employee’s neck being almost broken and also the right side of the forehead looking blue and bruised.

As a result of the incident at work, the victim was taken to the Efa Rina Hospital to undergo incentive treatment in room 408 on the 4th floor.

The company PT Inti Indosawit Subur did not receive an answer when contacted via Wa to confirm the truth that an accident had occurred which had befallen one of its employees.

It is strongly suspected that PT Inti Indosawit Subur deliberately allowed employees to work without PPE to save budget.

It is very unfortunate that a company that has received RSPO – ISO certification still has a work accident at the company.

From the work job, the employee should be in the field to sow fertilizer on oil palm trees using full PPE instead of on a truck loaded with fertilizer

From the incidents of work accidents experienced by employees, it is a big question mark what standard SOPs are applied to employees, why can they work without complete PPE at PT Inti Indosawit Subur ASIAN AGRI Group.*

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